What Is Liquid Absorption?

Liquid absorption refers to the process by which vitamins, minerals and other nutrients are absorbed through the mucous membrane of the mouth and digestive tract, rather than the stomach, allowing you to maximize the benefits quickly and efficiently. This is in contrast to pills or capsules in solid forms, which must be broken down and dissolved before the nutrients can be absorbed. 

liquid absorption of vitamin and mineral nutrients in the body. lime flavor

Why is bioavailability important for our health?

Well, if we are not able to absorb and use the vitamins and minerals we consume, then we're not reaping the full benefits of a healthy diet or supplement regimen. For example, if you're taking a B-vitamin supplement in pill form but your body can only absorb a small fraction of it, then you may not be getting the metabolic and cellular benefits you were hoping for.

By choosing liquid vitamins and supplements with higher Liquid Absorption, we can ensure that we're maximizing the benefits of the nutrients we consume. Liquid Absorption allows for a more efficient uptake of nutrients, making sure your body receives the full spectrum of benefits. Think of it like getting the most bang for your buck—you're making the most of your investment in your health by choosing the most effective form of supplementation with superior Liquid Absorption.

90% Absorption

up to 90% absorption rate comapred to the 20% in pills

Diabetes and Absorption

For people with diabetes, liquid supplements can be especially beneficial. Diabetes can make it particularly difficult for your body to absorb certain nutrients, such as vitamin D, calcium, and most notably B-Vitamins, due to the fact that diabetes often leads to excessive urination, which leads to the expulsion of various nutrients. Liquid Absorption allows these supplements to be absorbed more quickly and efficiently than pills, which can help ensure that your body is getting the nutrients it needs.


So why should you make MED-BEV your beverage of choice? One of the biggest benefits of MED-BEV, is the quick and efficient liquid absorption. This quality is what ensures that you are reaping the benefits each time you drink MED-BEV. 

Other benefits of MED-BEV include its portability, convenience and being a delicious way of hydrating while getting some essential nutrients throughout the day, especially if you don’t like swallowing pills. Most important of all, you won't have to worry about worry about losing 80% of the benefits! 

Finally, liquid supplements like MED-BEV can be more cost-effective in the long run. While the initial cost may be higher than pills, the increased absorption and effectiveness of liquid supplements means that you may need to take less of them to get the same benefits. 

In conclusion, the liquid absorption route is a great option for anyone looking to maximize their nutrient intake. For people with diabetes or those who have had bariatric surgery, MED-BEV can be particularly beneficial. So why not give MED-BEV a try? Your body will thank you for it!